7th Moon

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Is DC doing Dragon Ball Z?

It has recently occurred to me that the DC cinematic universe is actually Dragon Ball Z. Try to follow me here, first of all, we all know that once it becomes Z, Dragon Ball rips off Superman with Goku also being the last of an alien race that died when his home planet exploded. Earlier on, Toriyama had already done a mroe obvious parody of Superman in Dr. Slump, so we know he was aware, we can't call it a coincidence, Goku is Superman, Superman is Goku. From here, let's look at the DC cinematic universe.

Man of Steel - after years of individually licensed movies, DC finally tries to tell a continuous narrative starting with Superman vs General Zod. General Zod is a villain from Superman's homeworld, and the big fight scene between them is quite obviously replaying Goku vs Vegeta. They had hundreds of villains and plots to work with, but of all options, they went with the one that paralleled the most epic showdown in Dragon Ball Z. This in itself is nothing, but where do they go from here?

Batman vs Superman - This was the movie nobody, not even the fans, saw coming. But in retrospect it becomes a bit more clear that Superman and Batman establishing a rivlary and then cooperating against a common enemy and Superman dying to sacrifice himself to defeat that enemy is a parallel of Goku teaming up with Piccolo against Radditz, and the nature of the final villain as an amalgam monster that was designed to kill Superman parallels Cell. But this is putting the narrative a little out of order, fortunately it gets a bit more on track in the next stage.

Justice League - Superman is brought back to life to stop an even greater enemy, an interplanetary destroyer of worlds named Steppenwolf. The gathering of heroes to fight Steppenwolf seems similar to Goku and friends fighting Frieza, including when the villain threatens to actually rip the planet apart at it's seams like Frieza did to Namek. The only thing missing here is it taking place on another planet.

The next step it would seem to be that Justice League 2 would bring in that guy from the fifth dimension I won't even try to spell. But anyway, my point is that if you want to see a good AMericna live action Dragon Ball movie and you weren't satisfied with Dragonball Evolution, try the DC cinematic universe. In the meantime, Megalobox premieres on Toonami tonight and I posted this because I don't know nearly enough about Megalobox to comment in it before I see it, but I'll get back with review/commentary next week.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018 and Twitch

If anyone was wondering where I've been for the last month and you didn't check your calendar, it was National Novel Writer's Month and I was busy writing my latest novel Supers. I barely finished it in the last hour of the last day, but I did it!

Supers is a slightly different take on the superhero genre, in this version the super powers are much more limited in variety in accordance with how genetic mutations work. As far as the general public knows, there are only two types of Super, the ones that can fly and have super strength, and one that also has electric powers as well. There's actually a third type that has telekinesis as well, but they are top secret because they are so dangerous that they are all kept hidden away while the known Supers are mostly drafted into the Army National Guard and work for the police as their day job when the militay doesn't need them otherwise. Of course, there are Supers that become villains, and the Super police deal with them, so crime fighting is basically just standard police procedure with flight risk taking on a new meaning.

The story focuses mainly on Nicholas "Sparky" Franklin, the one known case of electric powers who went to MIT and became a psychologist after being their experiment for years. At age twenty-six he is reunited with his childhood friend Amber Skye who got taken away with the rest when they work at the NYPD under Captain Steve Murica. In their first few days together, they meet Ray Jackson, Hope Freeman, and Lung Yang, three Supers that managed to hide from the draft only to get caught in adulthood. The story largely follows how the six of them learn to get along basd on the one thing they have in common, being Supers in New York City. The climax of the story is when some top secret special Supers break free and cause trouble which falls on the team of six to handle together.

Hopefully I will finish editing this in time to release by the spring of next year. In the mean time, now that I got through a month of marathon writing, I want to relax and play some games which I will broadcast on Twitch. I really want to finish Dragon Quest Builders and Final Fantasy XV Comrades while there are some DLC that may be fun to try and Uncharted 4 that came with my PS4 and I'd really like to get through these in the next few months before I rededicate myself to editing Supers, then going back to writing the sequel to 7th Moon and getting back into Dissidia before the next tournament, if there is one. Because of my hectic schedule including my day job, this is all going to be random with no schedule at all, so just know that I intend to play four games that will broadcast on Twitch whenever...