7th Moon

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Roc Con 2014

Just ad the best weekend ever! I had a table at Roc Con, bad news, I didn't sell a lot of books, only four out of twenty five that I brought, good news, I did get people interested in the new Kickstarter to make 7th Moon the Ultimate Anime! Yes folks, starting Friday, we have a Kickstarter to make 7th Moon into an anime. I have a pilot script written, but for animation and voiceovers I need to raise money to pay two companies to do all of that work for me. An animation studio quoted me $250,000 for the six episodes I wanted, but that doesn't count voiceovers, so I'm going to aim for $250,000 and split it between the two for one episode, if we have enough for more, I'll come up with more scripts for more episodes and adapt them. Anyone who contributes at least $30 gets a DVD of the episodes I manage to make signed by me and everyone else involved in making the project. IT WILL BE AWESOME! I got a lot of people's attention with my trailer(shown in a previous post) when I finally got it running. Also I got to run my own panel on self-publishing which was basically an abridged form of my blog, but it became a Q&A session that ended up awesome, or at least I thought it was anyway.

Of course everything paled in comparison to the main event, Vic Mignogna's panel. Vic was screening "Star Trek Continues" Episode 3 "Fairest of them All". This episode is a companion to "Mirror Mirror" the original episode that sent Kirk and his team to a parallel universe where the Federation is the Empire and basically good and evil have reversed. Kirk had left the Spock in that universe with the challenge to make the world a better place and Vic's episode explores how this challenge is handled in the other universe. I'm sure it's somewhere on the web, so look it up. Highlights include Vic as Kirk getting it on with some random chick while his real life fiance Michelle Specht gets it on with Sulu, but the best of all is when Kirk gets exiled and screams 'SPOCK!" because he says it just like the famous line "KAHN!" Yes Vic had his moment. Leading up to that was a Q&A session that included someone asking "What's you're guilty pleasure song?" which led to a sing along of...wait for it..."Let it go" from Frozen. Yes, Vic Mignogna, a grown man, sang "Let it go".  It was AWESOME!

I will leave you now with some pics of cosplayers.

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