7th Moon

Friday, January 22, 2016

Writing and release schedule

Some of you may remember that I am an author and I write and self publish books, orat least I used to until...ooh shiny! Where was I? Oh yes, writing books. So yeah, I've been a little behind because of distractions, but I took a moment and planned out what is goign on with my books for the next year or so.

Waking Dream is in the editing stages, I am almost done, and it should be out by Valentine's Day. Actually, it may be sooner, but that's my goal, let my paranormal romance hit the romantic crowd. Actually it's out now on Amazon!

Superfrenemies, I am on the second to last chapter of the short novellette or whatever you want to categorize it as, I want it ready for Tora Con in late April.

Steel Golem is a special project that I don't want to go into why, but it is sort of time sensitive and should be complete in March.

Dragon Hand, some of you may not remember me saying I was working on this, it has been on hiatus for research and then, life happened, but I should be able to squeez it in between Tora Con and NaNoWriMo, maybe I'll even pull off getting it done in time for Roc Con.

Riding the Dragon, the conclusion to the Magic of Rochester Trilogy will be my NaNoWriMo project, hopefully that will be ready by next Valentine's Day.

7th Moon Mecha, yeah I actually do intend to get back to this one, I just want to clear my list, and despite thinking of about two or three more stories, I will restrain myself and focus only on 7th Moon Mecha once the others are done. With any luck, I will be on a rol bythen and crank out this bad boy before next year's NaNoWriMo and work on 7th Moon Kaiju! If not, worry not, I do have other ideas, for NaNoWriMo 2017, including Reign of the Nephilim, Red Heaven of Alzoidea, Guardians of Paradise, or my newest and least promising, Even a Hero's Gotta Eat!

Okay I think Imentioned all of these titles in the past, so there's some information out there somewhere, but Even a Hero's Gotta Eat is a new one. This idea is about a farmer in a fantasy world where RPGs and other epic adventures happen, but this time it's not about the hero, it's just a farmer who grows the food that feeds the heroes as they pass through town. But then his farm gets attacked and it escalates until he does become the hero himself. It's actually an idea for a video game, but I thought there might be a story there. Okay, that one comes last.

If you haven't read my books yet, get them at Amazon or follow the links on the side of this blog, and enjoy what is coming soon!

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