7th Moon

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Deadpool and Superfrenemies

First things first, Superfrenemies has been published and is available in both paperback and e-book format with a final fifth chapter that isn't up on Write-On. I actually thought of a few more chapters of material, but they will wait because they delved into territory I wasn't prepared to go into in this book. There is a point where a superhero parody can go too far.

Like Deadpool, I'm not sure this movie crosses the line but it gets damn close. I finally got around to watching it this week, and it was hilarious. It was definitely R-rated, if you have heard that it is not appropriate to take the kids to, let me say this once again, it is not appropriate to take the kids to. Fist of all, Deadpool likes saying "fuck" a lot. And then there's the shameless violence, which happens when you realize you're immortal and don't give a fuck anymore. And then thre's the one serious dramatic part of the movie when Wade Wilson gets cancer and suddenly he and his girlfriend get dead serious and he goes for extreme treatment that turns him into a mutant by way of torture. The sequence is necessary for the overall plot, but you have to be prepared to understand that it's a critical part of Deadpool's backstory or else it's just the most disturbing thing you'll ever see. Seriously, Wade goes through some brutal torture, you have been warned. And there's also the fact that Wade falls in love with a hooker who works at a strip club and they don't skimp on the nudity to sell it(Stan Lee plays a DJ, probably his favorite role ever). But still, all of this fits seamlessly with Deadpool's sick twisted sense of humor, because this whole movie is basically an hour and forty-five minutes of Ryan Reynolds being an asshole, and nobody is off limits, not even himself. He actually cracks a couple of Ryan Reynolds jokes, as well as ripping on everyone and everything in sight, even the opening credits are a joke. You will laugh, if you haven't been grossed out by Deadpool's appearance or the bloody gore, you will laugh at everything else. Personally my favorite line was when he goes to the X-Mansion and says "Big mansion, but I only see two of you, it's like the studio couldn't afford a third X-Man." Oh yeah, Deadpool is a dick, hardcore, big time. Wait that didn't come out right...or did it?

Okay, synopsis if you want to know before you go in, the movie starts with Deadpool attacking the bad guys, for very selfish reasons. Deadpool's mutation made him so ugly he has to wear a mask in public and blames Ajax, the guy who did it, and wants him to fix it so he has methodically hunted down everyone who works for him to get the information he wants to set things right, and kills all the uncooperative goons who get in his way. Don't feel too bad, they are bad guys, they are part of a crime syndicate, they do very bad things, and the world is better place after Deadpool kills them. Anyway, just when Deadpool catches up with Ajax, Colossus shows up with Negasonic Teenage Warhead to arrest Deadpool for the chaos he's creating that made the news and drew Colossus's attention in the firstplace. This whole scene is cut with flashbacks to how Wade got here, which is an awesome way to tell this story, because we would have been kinda bored if we actually had to wait through Wade's whole backstory at once before the Deadpool awesomeness, and also the movie onl has two major action sequences and this style helps break it u a bit and create the illusion that more is going on than really is, a brilliant film making trick played so expertly that you don't realize it until it's over and you're actually even more impressed at how they pulled it off. So, yeah the backstory, if you don't know, Wade Wilson was an army special forces soldier who went mercenary after he got out of the service and takes jobs picking on pricks and assholes that are meaner and less funny than he is. His job board is a bar where they have a Dead Pool, a running bet that one of the merc regulars will die on a job, in a bar fight, or for any other reason, first before the others. The point is...well, to give him his name later. Oh, and he also meets a hooker named Vanessa who's a tough bitch that impresses him and he goofs around with her until they fall in love because, and I quote "your crazy matches my crazy". Then just when it looks like they have their happily ever after, Wade gets cancer, then the silly get serious and Wade gets an offer for a treatment for his cancer that includes turninginto a mutant superhero. Wade is desperate because he sees how much it's hurting Vanessa to think of losing him, so he goes for the treatment. This treatment is the worst thing ever shown in a Marvel movie, but it's Deadpool's story so it's kinda gotta happen. Wade ends up being suffocated in a hyperbaric chamber set on reverse and just when the vacuum should have killed him, he transforms into Deadpool and now he doesn't have to worry about dying from cancer or suffocation...or explosions...or gunshots...or anything really. So, good news, Wade beat cancer, bad news he now looks like Freddy Krueger. He now only takes two things seriously, his love for Vanessa amd his desire to look normal enough not to creep her out. This brings us about an hour into the movie and the last forty minutes are all dedicated to how Ajax gets pissed and kidnaps Vanessa and Deadpool has to save her, which involves recruiting the X-Men, which are just the two, because well, his joke is for real. Yada, yada, yada, the end, and the Marvel extra with a tease at the next movie, which will probably involve Cable because he said so, and nobody has used Cable, so I think it's about time...and I eman, what else were they planning? They made good money on this project another has been greenlit, so if Ryan Reynolds could make this happen he's getting Cable for the sequel and he's going to fuck with that shit and we'll love it.

Why are you still reading? I'm done, that was it for this week, log off already. Chicka chicka.

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