7th Moon

Sunday, May 15, 2016


So I had an idea for another story, which sadly will remain on the back burner because I have half a dozen other stories to write before I get to this one, but I thought I'd just put it out there to test the waters, see if any of you like it, and remind myself of what I came up with in case I forget it later.

So there are many superhero stories out there that talk about what happens when superheroes just happen with no real reason and there are a bunch of them. X-Men is the biggest one, then there's Heroes, the Tommorrow People and others. The big problem with most is that they all revolve around a mutation which is eventually described as being a single common mutation among all mutants that accounts for an infintite number of powers. I realize that superhero stories require some suspension of disbelief but by now we should know that if there were a gene that allowed for some sort of superpower that it would either be a common power to all mutants or a variety of genes giving a variety of powers. A man who has magnetic powers would not sire a son who has super speed. A man who can absorb powers who has a child with a clairvoyant, wouldn't produce a son that could fly, and if he had a child with a pyrokinetic that child wouldn't have regenerative powers and she most likely wouldn't have a son that inherited a power that skipped two generations without inheriting any traits from the generations in between. Tommorrow People had it much more accurate with everyone having the same power set, but the variety of powers within thta set and the ability to keep it secret seems unlikely. My new story idea, Supers, is what I feel is the most likely scenario, which I will go into detail now.

There is one mutation which comes in two forms and expresses three ways. The most common and basic form allows humans to manipulate kinetic energy to counter gravity which quite simply allows one to fly, and through a quirk can also be applied temporarily to any object one touches which presents as super strength. The other two forms are the same plus something extra, the rarest form allows for electrogenesis/electrokinesis, but this trait is paired with meromelia (missing limbs) and only seems to work with direct contact with the undeveloped limbs so it's arguable that it's not necessarily an advantage over the standard mutation; the final form is when the mutant is pushed to the limit of their abilities and develop the ability to apply their powers to objects without having to touch them, essentially psychokinesis, but this form is also disadvantageous because it comes with reduced mental capacity, either one starts out expressing this way and has some form of autism or other mental disability, or they develop the powers later on and go insane. When this started people were unsure of what to do, many were afraid and the government stepped in. They determined that mutants outside of the government's jurisdiction could be a threat later on and it would be better to collect known mutants to be trained by the military at Area 51. Of course not every mutant was fit for this, most of the autistic psychokinetics that were located were sent to the National Institute of Mental Health, many others of both types were hidden by people who didn't trust the government and felt they were doing right by the children, which would become a problem later, and the one electrokinetic that was identified...well he's the main character sort of, so new paragraph as we get into more specifics.

Our hero, his nickname is Sparky. He was passed over for the military, but he wasn't bad enough for the National Institute for Mental Health, so he ended up going to MIT where he was used for research, but was also compensated with a scholarship and became a psychologist and ends up working at the New York City Police Department where he is reunited with Amber, a childhood friend who did make the military and has been placed in the police department to handle the crimes involving Supers, as they are being called, that slipped through the cracks. She has a partner, Captain Murica, and together they work to solve crimes involving Supers, recruiting a few more to their side including a couple of kids, Ray and Hope, that end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Dragon, a buddhist monk whose twin brother is in the Chinese Triad. Things continue to escalate until they discover the truth about the psychokinetics who have managed to remain a secret but are very dangerous, enough that the team may be the only thing standing between them and everybody else. Top villains include an Irish mobster from Boston that tracks down Sparky, and Teek, who has some history with Captain Murica.

Well, what do you think? It's gonna be a while, but it may happen someday.

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