7th Moon

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Grimm nearing it's end, another FFXV rant, and some 7th Moon news

Grimm has only a few weeks left before it's series finale and it's about time. I do like Grimm, it has been a good show, but it relied on a mythology that it seems they have been half-assing from the beginning. The story is about how Grimm's fairy tales are actually criminal profiles for people that can transform into monsters that inspire folklore, centering around Nick Burkhardt, a Grimm, one of the few non-monsters that can see the monsters. For the first few episodes they don't even have good terminology just names that are German words describing the monsters. They attempt to be creative by using the big bad wolf and instead of simply calling them werewolves, they call them Blutbaden and don't really give them any canine features, which is in stark contrast with every new species that are very clearly animalistic. Eventually they give them a collective name, the Wessen, and then they have to deal with some contradictory plot points, like Wessen having two transformations, a subtle one that only a Grimm can see and a vulgar one which is identical except that anyone can see it, which makes Grimm less special until we find out that a Grimm's eyes reflect horror to a Wessen and Grimm have some preternatural ability to fight Wessen that doesn't really make any sense. Worst of all, breeding rules are extremely confusing, as a main character, Sean Renard has been described as half-zauberbiest, yet all other Wessen seem to be all or nothing, so how does a half anythign fit in? And WTF is up with the royals whoseem to be important but nobody ever says why? And then there's the dance around magic, At first they made a strong effort to suggest there was a scientific explanation and there was minimal if any magic, but then they started to go wild in the last couple of seasons and they are just barely holding it together. They have strayed from Grimm's fairy tales and gotten into other folklore and started getting lazy enough to start using names that are ripped from common mythology with no more effort to use original species names, even Blutbaden got retroactively connected to Lycanthropes. Despite all this, the show thrived with strong characterization that connected the audience to the Scooby Gang even though some of it didn't make sense. Shippers are all about Monrosalee, but the love triangle between Nick, Adalind, Juliette, and Sean ended up in a way nobody would have predicted, and Nick and Adalind being happy lovers with their son Kelly is kind of a neat bow on a hot mess that the writers seemed to create while under the influence of something good and strong. Don't even get me started on Juliette becoming a hexenbiest named Eve or Sergant Wu contracting Lycanthropy. We love the dysfunctional family that has pulled together on Grimm, but it is time to wrap it up before it falls apart and the writers know it. The final episodes will air over the next few weeks, so here's to you Grimm, what a fun wild ride it was, but I, for one am ready for it to be over, so bring it home good.

Meanwhile in Final Fantasy XV, I finally got to Altissia, which I know all too well from the Moogle Chocobo Carnival, thankfully easy to navigate now, it's nice to see what it really looks like without the decorations. I even got through all of the sidequests and hunts, so I believe it's time to get linear, which I'm actually super looking forward to because I kind of lost track of the story, so dammit, I really just want to run though this without any further distractions. I mean, shit, We're talking about  divine royals and gods and demons and I'm tired of justifying driving around in circles doing lame shit like taking photos, fishing, and grocery shopping(yes, if you haven't played the game, you seriously do that). I get the sidequests tied to Royal Arms, but seriously, there is no reason why any of this other crap should matter, and Noctis should be able to really just say "Sorry, I gotta LITERALLY SAVE THE WORLD, your frogs will have to wait Sania." Oh this is gonna be good. Oh yeah, and Episode Gladiolus is coming next week, more on that when it actually arrives.

As for 7th Moon, first, next month I'm hosting a panel at Tora-Con where I'm gong to talk about all the books I've written and share the future of  7th moon as a book series, an anime, and a video game, and update fans on the progress I've made to actually make this happen. Second, I'd like to announce, I've decided to stop beating around the bush and just make Keisei permanently nude. I wanted to do it all along, but I was too chicken to follow through, but I have realized the target fan base will probably be more receptive, so going into the next book, Keisei will just not wear clothing because she's kind of a nudist. She's not so much committed to following a formal movement as much as she actually just doesn't give a shit, and she spends all her time with three guys who don't care either, and the world will have to accept that the cat girl feels her fur provides enough coverage. For those not familiar with the phrase "permanently nude" it's a growing sub-genre of fiction in which a character faces circumstances in which they are nude all the time even when it doesn't make sense, thought they usually give a reason that justifies why the character remains naked in spite of social norms, but doesn't change the fact that most people are still taken by surprise, even the naked character herself(usually it's a girl, everyone likes naked girls better). For those not familiar with 7th Moon(shame on you, you should have read it, click the link on the side) Keisei was created to be a sex slave and while she wasn't actually violated during her childhood, she did suffer lesser abuse including never wearing clothes for the first nineteen years of her life, but it wasn't until she was twenty -one that she ever encountered anyone who actually thought this was unusual, so while many would consider it a symptom of abuse, she never knew any different, nudity isn't actually abuse or degradation in her mind, it simply is truth, and putting clothes on doesn't fix anything, it's just a chore to get dressed every day, and considering she is closest to a celibate monk, a child too innocent to process nudity taboos, and her lover who never learned the taboo in the first place, it's really just easier for her too be naked. Having said all this, bear in mind she has two strips of fur that cover her her chest and pelvis like a bikini so the censors should be satisfied and only extreme fetishists will actually get off on this. This is not going to be erotic fiction, she's just a random naked chick in an action series, and she'll kick your ass if you give her shit for it, believe it, the scene already played out three times in the first book.

Well, that's all for now, excuse me, I have to go back to Final Fantasy, 7th Moon, and Toonami to watch the new Samurai Jack, the last of One Piece and starting next week the beginning of Tokyo Ghoul.

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