7th Moon

Friday, June 5, 2015

Red Heaven of Alzoidea

I've decided to take some time to share an idea I've been working on for awhile. Red Heaven of Alzoidea is my working title for a sci-fi that I may be working on in a few years, I really have a lot I need to finish before I take on this project. Anyways, the basic premise is this, colonization of Titan the dominant moon of Saturn. There have been many theories about how it may possibly be able to support life as the most Earth-like object in our solar system. My version involves humans taking the most important species of animals and plants to support human civilization to terraform Titan in biospheres. On the way to Titan, the colonists pass by Jupiter, or rather through Jupiter, specifically the great red spot, which is populated by an alien species who call the red spot Alzoidea and themselves Alzoideans(hence the title, the Alzoideans revere their ancestral home and refer to it as the "Red Heaven of Alzoidea"). This species may have evolved from cells that came from Earth, now they appear to be something like a cephalopod species, with twelve tentacles, five on either side webbed like a vampire squid, forming wings that they use to glide through the atmosphere, however they can condense the wings and compress their bodies to resemble humanoids. The colonists finish their pilgrimage with some Alzoideans who settle Titan with them. Convergent evolution leads a few animals to becoming humanoid specifically cats, horses, dogs, pigs, and rats, in roughly that order, at least in hierarchy. The first three were pets, pigs were livestock, and rats were among unwanted pests that stowed away. Some humans began interbreeding with these humanoid animals, resulting in sterile hybrids, until scientists corrected the genetic flaws and made it possible for hybrids to breed with humans and each other. They started with rats of course because rats will always be used for experimentation, and then applied what they learned to others. Horses and dogs were popular among the wealthy eccentrics, pigs and goats were too poor, but the cats changed everything. When the cats first became capable of speech, humans told them about Bastet, the cat goddess, but did not consider how they would come to believe themselves divine and deserving to rule over the others. The trigger was hybrdization, the cats did not like their bloodlines being muddied by humans so they began hunting the feline hybrids. Their ethnic leansing escalated until it became the Hybrid War, the felines declared war on everybody else, enslaving the pure breeds and exiling the mixed breeds. There were god-like immortal cyborgs, but the cats figured out how to destroy them as well, displacing them and claiming their own power over Titan.

A couple of generations after the Hybrid War we meet Martin, a lab rat, literally. Martin is half human, one quarter rat, one eighth dog and one eighth horse. His father was a scientist, himself the offspring of a half-horse and a half-dog, his mother a second generation half-rat that was meant for further experimentation. Martin was modified to be slightly electrogenic which consequently also resulted in meroamelia. His father ended up loving him anyway and raised him until the age of fifteen when he got his full-size adult prosthetic arm. At this point in time, in fact coincidentally the same day, the Bastet Empire comes to take down the lab and capture everyone for the fighting arenas. Yes, fighting arenas, because that's how the Bastet assert their power, forcing the unsavory, especially rats and dogs, to fight to the death for their entertainment. Martin is able to escape eventually and explores the rest of Titan, meeting Alzoidean tribesmen, pig farmers, native Titanians, and a resistance group of dog and horse crossbreeds who intend to overthrow the Bastet and make a world where all species can coexist. Martin falls in love with one of their high ranking members, a beautiful quarter-dog/quarter-horse/half-human and also discovers their secret weapon, the half-human bastard princess of the Bastet.

Well, that's kind of all I've got for now, feel free to give me feedback and we'll see how this goes.

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