7th Moon

Friday, June 12, 2015

Singularity of Man and Machine

Today I will veer off of my usual entertainment reviews and share my views on something that may blur the lines between science fiction and fact. This subject is the singularity of man and machine, when cyborgs and androids will become possible and virtually induistinguishable. Yes, many talk about it, but I seriously believe this will happen during our lifetime for two reasons.

First, I keep hearing about medical researchers trying to make a chip that will allow for a direct neural interface, or to put it more plainly, controlling your computer directly with your brain. The reality is if you understand neurons and microchips, they both transmit information by electrical impulses, the only difference is the material they are made out of, but it is entirely posible to allow for brain signals to be translated into electronics so that people can operate machines as if they were actually a part of their body. The reason scientists are working on this is to help paralyzed individuals to be more independent by operating robotic limbs or using computers to communicate when their mouths no longer allow them to speak. This technology is key to breaking the barrier between man and machine and as long as altruistic scientists keep pursuing this goal for the greater good with little to no consideration for the possible consequences, this will happen.

Second, the other reason we're going to go Matrix is just how willing we are to accept the next big thing in communications. Consider this, when I was a kid, we still had a rotary phone and a black and white TV that picked up only the basic local networks, potentially thirteen channels, but really only five. We have gone from that to smart phones and widescreen HD televisons with cable and satellite not to mention the internet which came out of nowhere and has become integral in all of our lives. People will sand in line for the next iPhone before it's even announced, do you really think there will be any shortage of people who will upgrade from a touchscreen to surfing the net with their brain? I think not.The reality is it will happen rather seamlessly, people will barely notice when we cross the line. An executive from some cell phone company will agree to fund the research for that brain chip on the condition that his company gets commercial distribution rights. A desperate but well-meaning and altruistic neurologist with a morally ambiguous engineer will agree to those terms and with some young trendsetter who can't wait to Facetime from her brain and agrees to be the first user of the chip will be the four people that break the barrier between man and machine. The breakthrough will be more subtle than you think, no bigger than Google Glass or the iWatch, someone will simply annonce the next interface. There wil be surgery involved, but proponents will argue that putting silicon in your brain is no much different than putting silicone in your breasts. thousands, maybe millions will get wired in the first year or two.

Now here's the significance we need to realize, once we are able to interact with the internet like this, it will only be a matter of time before we live entirely virtually. Someone working on Artificial Intelligence may design a virtual baby app that allows virtual people to propogate online by mixing brain data to create an artificial life form that will exist only in the computers, we will upload ourselves and leave our bodies of flesh behind and the bnext generation of elite will exst entirely in the digital world. Think that's crazy? Take a look around you right now at how many people are on their smatphones checking social networks. It's not that humanity isn't ready, it's that the technology is just a little too slow. But it will happen.

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