7th Moon

Saturday, November 5, 2016

NaNoWriMo Riding the Dragon Week 1, 7th Moon the RPG, Trump and the election

As you can guess from the title I'm squeezing in a lot this week, and yet, I really need to get this over with quickly because I need to get back to writing Riding the Dragon, the final book in the Magic of Rochester Trilogy. So far I'm only on chapter two and we're resolving what should have been the final confrontation between Ellen and Nathan. The enchantment that kept them on peaceful terms has expired and the fight has begun, but rather than settle the conflict in one final battle, new problems emerge setting up for the most challenging year of Ellen's life, but since I'm still in the processof writing, that's all I can say right now. Well, I guess I'll also say that Alpha Wolf Tom and Archmagus Alistair die leaving Jason and Ralph to step up to leadership, but it's even more complicated than that because they appear to die at the hands of the opposite faction, which may mean war...

Speaking of conflict among leadership, the election is this week and I am terrified we could possibly end up with Trump as president. I don't normally get political, I usually deal with entertainment, so instead of getting all political, I'm going to go over some entertainment info that happens to be relevant to the Republican candidate that is, unfortunately Donald Trump. Donald Trump had a show called the Apprentice, which, when it started, was a good show. The economy had just recently taken a sharp downturn, and when Donald Trump, one of the most famously rich people, famous for being rich, proposed that he would hire an apprentice to work for him in a reality competition, this was a big deal. Jobs of any kind were hard to come by, so this was a great opportunity, especially when the job is a chance to get in with the wealthiest company in America. The idea was that about a dozen people would do a day's work in a variey of different jobs, and the worst one would get fired each week until the very best would remain to get the prize. The best season, in my opinion, was marketed as street smarts vs book smarts. At first Trump favored people with business degrees who fit the position Trump was hiring for on paper, but this season, half of the contestant/applicants were people who had gone straight into the workforce and clawed their way up to the top without the academic prerequisites. What was most impressive about this season was that despite expectations, the college graduates did not sweep the competition, but rather the two teams remained neck and neck to the very end. It proved the show's premise, that anybody could make it. One scene stood out to me, early on, the street smarts team won their event and got rewarded with a dinner with Trump at an exclusive wine cellar, and one of the contestants dropped the F-bomb describing how awesome it was, to which Donald replied that he thought such language was unbecoming. At the time, this led me to believe Donald Trump was a respecable businessman worthy of respect. Then came Celebrity Apprentice. Celebrity editions are ratings grabs for floundering game shows and Jeopardy and Family Feud are about the only shows that seem to be able to work with it without destorying their integrity and ultimately becoming self-parodies that only buy a year or two before they get canceled anyway. The worst part about the celebrity edition of any game show is that the basic premise of the genre is that regular people get to win money and expensive prizes that they would never normally get, but celebrities don't need any of that because they are already rich, so they play for charities, and in turn, nobody wants to totally make fools of celebrities who are nice enough to donate to charity and shortchange the needy, so the whole thing becomes ridiculously easy, emphasis on ridiculous. Celebrity Apprentice took the show from giving ordinary people extraordinary opportunities to making us realize how inept actors are a everyday jobs and that they get overpaid for their total lack of skill. The worst part is the show never went back to it's original format, which I feel was important because it means that the endeavor that started out helping regular joes get ahead in business became about fame, particularly Trump's fame. Also, I'd like to point out how he clearly doesn't have the same level of public restraint he had when he told one of his employees not to swear. I dont know if I misread that moment and gave him more credit than he deserved, or if his time working on TV with Mark Burnett corrupted an otherwise decent man, or at least a man who could keep a decent public face. In any case, I just hope my readers take some of this into consideration, does Trump actually care about America or is this just the next step in a scheme of self-promotion?

Speakign of self-promotion, 7th Moon the RPG is up at 7thMoon.co not 7thMoon.com, that belongs to someone else and is unrelated to my project. Right now the game is online and apparently using my laptop as a server, which means it will only work when I have my computer on. The good news is that I will have it on to write for NaNoWriMo for most of the month and I can guarantee it will be up every Saturday night from midnight to 3AM while I'm live tweeting with Toonami, the bad news is I have to work during the day until my vacation starts November 16. I should be able to keep it up all day through about 10-11PM November 30, and also Wednesday and weekends starting between 9-10AM. Otherwise I can't promise the server will be up before 5PM. I am working on another solution, either an alternate server or republishing it as a downloadable game that can be played offline. Before I go that far, I want to beta test and debug any issues, so please bear with me, play the game when you can and leave comments about issues.

Remember to vote, if you live in Greece, NY I will be voting at the Methodist Church on Maiden Lane which is also a Pokestop and Pokegym, so I'm going to hang around after voting to drop three lures and fight at the gym for an hour and a half while the lures run their course, so feel free to chase pokemon and vote.

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