7th Moon

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Toonami update: Samurai Jack and Tokyo Ghoul, plus Grimm fanfiction

It's been a crazy few weeks and I'm going to catch up a little on some Toonami stuff and announce a new writing project.

Samurai Jack is back and it's pretty awesome. First off, he's not alone anymore, now there is Ashi, one of the daughters of Aku, a cult who have trained girls to be elite assassins in service of Aku who actually doesn't even interact with them so they hunt Jack under the auspices that he is the villain and he is trying to undo the world that Aku created. Ashi is unique because she is the only one of the cult who has doubts, and while the cult sees this as weakness, Jack sees this as possibility for redemption. Jack has had his own troubles, its been fifty years since the beginning of his journey, but he doesn't age(no, we don't know why) and he keeps fighting even aftr he lost his sword. He fights on auto-pilot until he meets the daughters of Aku and discovers they are the first human enemies he has encountered, a significant scene since the show originally skirted censors by having robots and aliens that didn't bleed, but since moving to Adult Swim, finally break the taboos that held them back. They go even further with dirty jokes, swearing, and recently revealing that Ashi was not wearing a skin tight suit, but that she had nothing covering her body but a layer of soot. Oh and the Scotsman came back for a few minutes, but there was a tease that he may have some sort of role in the finale yet to come. Aku is not the same, and not just because his original voice actor Mako passed away and now he is voiced by an imitator, but also because he destroyed the last time portal, and shortly after Jack lost his sword, so he sort of won and has gotten bored with toying with the samurai. Last we left off, Jack recovered his sword and is back in top form, and he and Ashi (and the Scotsman and his daughters?) are goign to finish off Aku once and for all. This should be good...

Also new to the block is Tokyo Ghoul, a morbid yet profoundly sad story of ghouls who are compelled to eat human flesh but still try to be decent people. In this story, ghouls are humanoids that eat flesh, but it has to do with a specialized digestive system and sense of taste that they can't eat anythign else except coffee for some reason. Our main point of view comes from Kaneki, an unfortunate individual who goes on a date with a girl named Rize, only to find out she's a ghoul with a bit of an eating disorder who wants to eat him. Before she can, he tries to get away running through a construction site, only to get into an accident which almost kills both of them, but a doctor transplants her organs into his body, which saves his life, but also makes him a half-ghoul. The bad news is now he needs to eat human flesh like a ghoul. He's horified by what he's becoming and the thought of eating human flesh, but he comes across a ghoul named Toka who brings him to a coffee shop where the proprietor takes care of ghouls who have unusual circumstances, and while Kaneki is by far the wierdest, he's not alone. Toka is trying to pass for human and has actually grown fond of a human and tries to eat her food so she can fit in, even though it makes her sick. Then there's Nishiki, who never liked killing humans, but since he fell in love with a human he's trying to survive on coffee alone because he doesn't want ot kill for her sake. And then there's Hinami, a young ghoul who isn't old enough to hunt for herself and shows a unique innocence in that she will eat human flesh, but only because she has to, otherwise she is clearly a decent person. What really makes all of this so sad is realizing that a ghoul may not necessarily be bad just because they eat human flesh, they have to do this to survive, and it tears them up when they realize they have to live among their prey and befriend them as well as eat them. Kaneki has a slow descent into the worst case scenario while the other three struggle to be decent people despite a biological imperative to be predators.

Finally, I am working on a fanfiction for Grimm. It's been a month since the show ended, but they finished with a tease that has been gnawing at me ever since. My story is about Kelly, Diana, and the triplets twenty years after the series ended, and also thirteen years after it ended which is seven years before the other events of the story. Alternating between flashbacks where they are kids experiencing their first woges and the future where they are adults hunting wesen, it explains how the next generation carries on their parents' legacy. I plan to publish this to the official Grimm forum where hopefully fans get behind it and demand it be made canon. Most importantly we need to cover four characters who need more details because of the lack of info at the end of the series.
  • Kelly Burkhardt - part zauberbiest, specifically his left arm which grants him superhuman strength and telekinesis, a handy advantage when fighting wesen, he is also still a Grimm. He is in a relationship with one of Monroe and Rosalee's daughters(see below).
  • Juliette - fuchsbau, daughter of Monroe and Rosalee, takes after her mother, named after Eve who never took her old name back. In a relationship with Kelly (see above).
  • Monroe Jr. - only blutbadt son of Monroe and Rosalee, like his father he tries to fight his urges, but unlike his father, he has no history of giving in to his urges and without that regret to guide him, he may be more inclined to fall off the wagon. He is in love with Diana, and she kind of feels the same way, but they have yet to admit it to each other.
  • Theresa - fuchsbau, daughter of Monroe and Rosalee, named after Truble, she is a bit of a wild child compared to her siblings. She is partial to bad boys and wants to be a criminal defense lawyer like Adalind so she can protect those lost souls she's so fond of.
Well, that's a four part story that is coming up, and I still need to finish 7th Moon Mecha so I need to get back to writing.

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