7th Moon

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Camp WriMo fail and my future plans for Twitch

I got stuck on chapter 2 of Children of the Crystals and it will not be done as scheduled. A number of things happened in my life, most recently me being sick, mostly because I tried to play Dissidia for an hour each day while working a full time job, tryign to maintain my version of the One Punch Man workout and trying to use every free hour to cram a novel in  a month and deciding that sleep would be the thing I would cut back on to make time for all of this. So my body decided to derail all my plans for the last week as I tried to recuperate, take off my first day of work since I started this job, and stop all my side projects and just lie on the couch playing Final Fantasy mobile games. On the upside, I did manage to finally beat Sol in Brave Exvius who had been holding me up for months and I finally got Crimson Archer, my first Sarah job in Mobius and te one I wanted most, not that any of you should care about this at all. I will try to finish this book, but I won't be trying so hard after August 1st.

And now for something completely different. I have been trying to get a following on Twitch using Dissidia, but I miss my other games, so I'm going to try changing gears and see if anyone finds it more interesting. Starting in the first weekend in August, every Saturday from 9-10:30 PM EST leading up to Toonami, I'll be doing a special show for Twitch and my first game for this block will be Dragon Quest Builders which I will be finishing with audio commentary, which I haven't done before, and I will be reading the dialogue which does not come with voiceovers and you'll all get to hear my VA acting chops which will be amusing and entertaining either because I'm so good, or because I'm so bad. During the week, I'm going to try getting back into Final Fantasy XV Comrades and whenever I have managed to finish one or the other I'll be rotating in Uncharted 4 because I have it and wny not? Eventually, I will return to Dissidia, because there are some things in that game that I really want to do, but they will take time and I need to clear out the other games that I believe will have more definite endings in sight. For those who can't figure out my meaning, the other three games I have listed here actually do have endings to the story and once I reach those endings, I intend to stop playing them, whereas Dissidia is much more open ended, even when I finish story mode and get all of Kefka's titles, appearances, etc. the multiplayer option has no end in sight so I'll get back to regularly scheduled Dissidia content eventually.

I would also like to note that I'm going to put everything on the backburner this November as I take on NaNoWriMo for the last time. I'm not giving up writing, I just realize I only have one more NaNoWriMo left in me, not that I don't have the stamina or the ideas, just only one that seems to match both requisites. My finale will be Supers, a story I have talked about before, in which superheroes exist in the real world, as in they actually integrate into normal society. One mutation with three phenotypes live in normal society, but the adjustment is...awkward.

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