7th Moon

Friday, December 5, 2014

Summer Wars and NaNoWriMo Red Ellen conlcusion

First of all, not much to say about Red Ellen that I haven't already except that I did finish writing it, and now to the editing phase. Short but sweet, I won, yay!

Now, next up i'm goign to talk about Summer Wars, and anime that will be on tommorrow night on Toonami. It was on last year and it was awesome and I wanted to make sure that anyoen who missd it knows they havea chance to catch it now. Summer Wars is a slightly comlicated movie that spans two worlds, the real world and the digital world. Frankly it's not terribly unrealistic at all, and the premise sounds to me liek it could happen any day now. The movie opens with a description of OZ, acomputer network that makes Facebook look like AOL circa 1995. Everybody is on OZ and they do everything on OZ. The story very quickly transitions to a young man named Kenji who works as a maintainence coder for OZ. Kenji is invited by a girl named Natsuki to join her for the weekend. She says it's a job but it's not until after he agrees that she tells him that the nature of the job is to pretend to be her boyfriend for her great grandmother's nintieth birthday, which includes the entire family, and what a huge family it is. Very suddenly Kenji is overwhelmed by the huge family gathering and to calm himself he sneaks off to check his e-mail and finds a math problem that he tries to solve, which succeeds in helping him relax(because he's a nerd) but ends up creatign more problems. When he wakes up the next day, OZ has been hacked and it turns out the math problem was actually the security code, his response allowed a hacker to take his account and start messing with the network. Kenji tries to fix the problem and is assisted by OZ celebrity King Kazuma, an anthropomorphic rabbit who is known for winning action games, especially martial arts fighting tournaments online. King Kazuma challenges the hacker to buy time for Kenji and kenji discovers that the greatest fighter in Oz is actually Natsuki's cousin Kazuma, a teenage web addict. Kazuma's actually a good kid, he started fighting online to bond with his grandfather, and it's a good thing because his skills are need to fight the hacker. Eventually the truth comes out that the hacker is actually an artificial intelligence known as Love Machine and it was programmed by Wabisuke, who was adopted by great grandma and has appeared for the first time in ten years at the birthday party/family reunion. The rest of the movie follows a bizzarre sequence of events in which the family tries to focus on grandma's birthday despite the fact that Love Machine is causing chaos throught out the world, which the family mostly ignores because they are in a rural mountainside house that is centuries old and they get by pretty well without technology affecting too much of their lives. Then great grandma dies, apparently her heart monitor failed due to Love Machine's interference. Now shit just got real and everybody is focused on beating Love Machine. The ending is so epic, no description can do it justice, so I'll just post a clip below and you can either watch it now, or see the whole thing tommorrow night.

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