7th Moon

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dimension W

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about Dimension W, the newest series on Toonami, and I feel I have to say something about it. It deals with the fourth dimension, which is always a brain bender. I would say it's right up there with time travel, but in many schools of thought, the fourth dimension is time so there we go. Dimension W has taken an intersting view on the fourth dimension by suggesting it could be used as an energy source, which I suppose is possible if you consider that across the fourth dimension there are other places where energy may be available that we can't access from the third dimension, ut perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, which might actually be possible in the fourth dimension.

Dimension W follows the story of Kyouma Mabuchi, who is a Collector, someone who collects illegal coils. Coils are the devices which collect energy from the fourth dimension to power everything. This technology was created by a company called New Tesla, named after Nikolai Tesla who used coils to create electricity when it was first discovered years ago, so yeah, huge nod to science nerds. Some people have developed coil that are not part of New Tesla's global system and the company is paying out to bounty hunters to collect these illegal coils. If you think about it, the company is holding a monopoly on this energy source, but as we soon see, it's not just abou corporate greed, accessing the fourth dimension has some serious potential repurcussions and New Tesla is doing everything they can to protect the world from what could go wrong. Mabuchi is a little wierd because he prefers not to use newer technologies, using a phone that runs on batteries and driving a car that runs on gasoline. He lives in an old gas station that nobody uses except him and presumably he only lives there to hold the gas that he takes as payment for his jobs. Things get complicated when he meets Mira Yurizaki, a top of the line robot that claims to be the daughter of New Tesla's founder who disappears shortly after the two main characters meet so he can't really explain anything, but Mira insists that the last instructions she got was to follow the illegal coils, which means she has to stay with Mabuchi. Mabuchi is not happy about this because Mira is a high tech coil powered robot, representing everything he stands against. The story has gotten a little more twisted now that we know Mabuchi is motivated by the fact that he wanted to save his girlfriend from a terminal illness by having her transferred to a robot body by New Tesla and he joined their private military group Grendel to pay for it, but something went terribly wrong, she died and now he doesn't trust coils at all. To make things even more complicated, Mira's body was actually made for Mabuchi's girlfriend, so he thinks of her everytime he sees Mira and he's not sure if that's good or bad, so he's very melancholy(read grumpy) all the time.

Now for my conspiracy theory, I believe Mira actually is Dr. Yurizaki's daughter or Mabuchi's girlfriend, or both. It has been demonstrated that the fourth dimension is all about alternate possibilities, and that sometimes these possibilities can continue to exist in conjunction with this world with coils tying them together. My theory is that Mira is programmed so that her coil is specifically attuned to the possibilities where these girls didn't die and draw on their life force from another dimension to create the mind that functions in this world. This would mean that she either is one of the girls or possibly both fused into one in Mira's mind.

Okay, I'll let you think about that and if your mind doesn't split into the fourth dimension, you can watch the show on Toonami at 12:30. Also, don't forget to check out TOM's endorsement of my book on YouTube. Stay gold Toonami faithful!

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