7th Moon

Saturday, April 16, 2016

TORA-CON NEXT WEEK! Plus Superfrenemies

So I don't have a lot to say right now because I'm psyched about Tora Con being next weekend, it's sold out so I can't get anymore fans there, but I look forward to seeing everyone who already is planning to attend. I've got four books up, in addition to 7th Moon and Red Ellen, I also have the sequel to Red Ellen Waking Dream and Superfrenemies! But most will be there for Todd Haberkorn, Richard Epcar and the number one, the man, the myth the legend, the ultimate voice actor in anime if bnot all of animation, the currently reigning TOM on Toonami....STEVEN JAY BLUM! Yes he will be in Rochester, I will meet him, so yeah, forgive me for not being able to think about anything else. I hope I will be able to get him to record an ad for me for 7th Moon, perhaps something to attach to one of my existing videos, maybe get it up on Toonami, or at least YouTube. This could be the most important VA meetup I will ever have in my short convention career. I already have a post on how awesome he is, so I don't need to go into it again, but this is just so fucking cool I can't stand it!

If you still give a flip about any of my books after hearing that(I know I barely do) I've already blogged on three of the four books I am selling, and the fourth Superfrenemies, I will fill you in a little bit right now. Sam Shepherd and Ralph Hunter are BFFs but Ralph is a little off kilter and tries to turn Sam into a superhero. It works and Sam becomes the Mighty Arm, but there is nothign for Sam to do as a superhero so Ralph decides to become a supervillain, Insaniac, to rival the Mighty Arm. Sam and Ralph remain friends but Mighty Arm and Insaniac are archnemeses, and since they are fully aware of each other's not-so-secret identities this makes them Superfrenemies. Also, they each have a girlfriend, Mary Sue a.k.a. Mighty Girl is with Sam/Mighty Arm and Abby Normal is with Ralph and changes her secret identity as a running gag. The story is a Deadpool like superhero parody which involves ridiculous tropes and nods to classic comics. I really hope everybody has a good laugh at this, because I really tried my best to make it funny. It's available now on Amazon both for Kindle and in paperback.

Okay, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about Steve Blum again and I'm having a Harley Brain Fart, so I'm out for now. Next time I'll post pics of cosplayers and let you know how things went with Steve Blum and the rest of the con, and hopefully a new promo video.

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