7th Moon

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


So you may have already noticed the blog posts I put up, and that was the biggest thing to happen at Tora Con as far as I'm concerned. Even if somethinge else did happen and I'm not sure whether anything else did, that was really the coolest thing ever. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look here:

This means we have audio of TOM from Toonami saying a promo for 7th Moon. I may get in trouble for this in the long run, but Steve was super cool about it so it was fun while it lasted. Fun fact, I found out he and Mary MacGlynn are a couple, nay, the power couple of voice acting. Somehow, still only the second coolest thing about his panel after reading 7th Moon. I wrote the description as a Toonami promo and even though I didn't have the guts to ask him he threw in the "Only on Toonami, on Adult Swim" and I almost died. If anyone can attach this audio to some TOM footage and the fight scene I posted on YouTube to make this look like a real Toonami promo, that would be awesome. Also he signed two DVDs and two video games that he did voices for, three of them in character. He was Vincent Valentine in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children and Dirge of Cereberus, Orochimaru in Naruto(these are the episodes that introuced the character though not why I got them originally, but for this it works) and he was also Sanjuro and Wiseman in .hack//MUTATION which he signed as himself because he didn't remember before signing, but still cool.

In unrelated news, I held a panel and only three people showed up, one of them was Angela Demchak, the artist who is working with me on making 7th Moon into a graphic novel. It's coming along slow, but she hung out with me for the rest of the day and it seems she's still workign on it, so it will happen...eventually...probably. She's passionate so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for results.

So that covers most of the cool stuff that happened, other than that I just sat at my table and sold copies of 7th Moon, Red Ellen, Waking Dream, and Superfrenemies. And while I sat there, I took photos of cool cosplayers and I will leave you with them now.

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