7th Moon

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Disappointment in Final Fantasy 7 remake and 7th Moon

First of all, in case you didn't know, my last post was an April Fool's prank. Jason Demarco did not greenlight 7th Moon for Toonami...yet. He did not respond even though I tagged him in the tweet, but while he did not say yes he did not say no, which means that I keep going until he does respond one way or another. I'm just kind of stuck in a Schroedinger's Cat situation, as long as I don't bug Jason Demarco, he can't kill my dreams, but he can't make them happen either.

More importantly, you probably got here by looking for Final Fantasy VII updates only to be disappointed that there still is none. What is really bothering me is that I got a PS4 precisely for this game and I will be so pissed if it doesn't get released until PS5. I just checked out an update suggesting it may be in development hell, which means that despite word thta it is being worked on, no progress is being made and we may never actually see the finished product, like ever. What really has me pissed about this is I just spent the last two months playing the FF7 remake event in Mobius Final Fantasy which is annoying for two reasons. First of all, this is actually the second time for this event, a whole year after the first time, which means there has been like two years for them to put together this event and they made more progress with the mobile game than the actual remake. Second, while the game was good enough to excite me while it lasted, now that it is over, I am in withdrawal and realizing that Square Enix went through all of the trouble to get the graphics and the voice actors for both Cloud and Sephiroth to do Mobius, but they can't pull their shit together for the console game. I mean, as a remake, all we really need is for the graphics to be updated, and fix the dialogue with some voice overs. We don't need changes, if we needed changes, we'd just ask for Fina Fantasy XVI, we want FFVII remade because we loved the experience the first time and we got our expectations for visual and audio presentaion raised by watching Advent Children. It's that simple, apply the Advent children veneer to the original game, how hard is that really? The other reason for disappointment is that collectively the side projects including Dirge of Cerebrus and Crisis Core showed the capabilities for Square Enix to update the maps, particularly the attention to Shinra Manor in Nibelheim in both games which used an identical layout to the original game with graphics of a satisfactory quality for an update. I feel the video game community has hit a point where technology has outpaced the people wh make the games, when we used to be satisfied with a complete product even with a few flaws, we now have a standard for DLC that makes games obsolete before they are even released. I don't want to have to download new content every few weeks, I want to just play the classic with some modern polish. I don't want extras, bonuses, or anything else that is holding up a project that really should be done by now considering all the mechanics of this game and it's story were already good two decades ago.

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