7th Moon

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Camp WriMo: Dragon Hand Week 1

I have mentioned this before, I am working on a fanfiction for the Foreworld Saga, and now that Camp WriMo is upon us, I will be using this to get my rear in gear and get this book done. So far I managed to bang out about five chapters. I have introduced Claude Dragonhand, a Shield Brethren knight with atavistic hyperkeratosis that gives him his surname with a scaly hand who is proficient with sword and spear, I have also introduced his mentor Cid, Gilbert the Spoony Bard, Gilgamesh the Persian Herald of the Mongols, Siegfried the Livonian, Raidne the Binder, and of course Princess Catherina of Hungary.

The story begins with Claude, Cid, and Gilbert saving Princess Catherina from Mongols while escaping the Battle of Mohi where the Mongoliad begins. Soon after they fight the first of four Mongol generals who is accompanied by Gilgamesh. They defeat the general but Gilgamesh gets away. They reunite Catherina with her family but now they meet Siegfired who is from a rival order and wants to take down Claude. Before that matter can be settled, Gilgamesh returns with the second of the four generals and another battle ensues. Following the battle, Catherina meets Raidne and they end u continue on the journey Catherina thought was over. That's where I left off at the time of this writing, so now I need to get back to work and I'll get back to you with another update next week.

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