7th Moon

Friday, July 8, 2016

Camp WriMo: Dragon Hand Week 2

So this week I didn't really make a lot of progress, I got in part of a chapter with Claude and his companions hunting a boar and meeting the Cumans. To make up for my failure in writing I thought I'd give you some character profiles, and yes this is wishful thinking for a video game adpatation. In case I forgot to mention, this is supposed to be a historically accurate Final Fantasy.

Claude Dragonhand - Born with atavistic hyperkeratosis that made his left arm scaly and his fingernails hard and claw like, earning him the surname Dragonhand. abandoned by his birth family and raised by the Shield Brethren, specifically Cidolfas Da Vinci the alchemist. He has trained to use spears and swords, some times at the same time. Special skills include:

Jump - aerial combat, vaulting himself using his spear and sing the momentum to complete a devastating attack.

Throw - throwing his spear or a knife or dagger

Cidolfas Da Vinci - An alchemist, a young man in association with the Shield Brethren when he found Claude as a baby, now older and wiser, making or a fine mentor for his young charge. He has advanced knowledge of chemistry and can use alchemy to perform almost supernatural feats by the standards of those around him. His weapon of choice is his quarterstaff. Special skills include:

Mix - combining chemical components to create new more complex chemical weapons or aids as the situation calls for it.

Black Magic - in his youth he dabbled in the forbidden arts, eventually reforming to focus on alchemy occasionally he can still call upon old knowledge when desperate times call for desperate measures.

Gilbert "The Spoony" MacMuirich - A Scottish bard, recording this story for prosperity, a lifelong friend of Claude and Cidolfas. He has a tendency to break into songs that may or may not be helpful. His weapon of choice is a knife, also instruments. Special skills include:

Song - he has use of four specific songs tied to the instruments he uses, Lullaby with his harp to put enemies to sleep, Warcry with his horn to bolster allies increasing speed and strength, Serenade with his lute to charm his foes, and his signature "Spoony Diddy" to muddle his foes with his spoons.

Mug - steal from his foes as he fights them, making use of their weapons agianst them in combat

Catherina of Hungary - Princess of Hungary, seperated from her family, she becomes associated with the Binders and becomes an ally of the Shiled Brethen. Cidolfas teaches her to use a quarterstaff. SHe also gets a hold of Medical Materia and learns skills that make her an asset. Special skills include:

Medic - using apothecary skills to help Claude primarily, and also to a lesser extent her other allies as well.

Summon - she becomes bound to the souls of certain individuals and calls upon their power i time of need. Primarily she calls upon Alexander the Apothecary she inherited the Medical Materia from, Raidne the Siren who passed on the bound lore to her, Shiva the Shield Maiden who later mentors her as a warrior, Carbuncle the stray cat she adopts on her journey, Fenrir the wolf she meets with the Cumans, and Bahamut the dragon hatchling she meets toward the end of her journey.

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