7th Moon

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Children of the Crystals

I am planning on writing, for Camp WriMo, my take on Final Fantasy which for legal reasons, I can not publish in any format that will get me money, but I'm going to write it anyway because maybe if I put it out there on the forums and try to get the attention of Square Enix themselves, this will actually be the next Final Fantasy game.

For those who don't remember what I posted before about this, the working title is Children of the Crystals, and it will focus on three people, a white mage named Ariana, a magitek spellblade named Kelsus, and a dark knight named Gevurah. Ariana and Kelsus are the mst recent chosen of the Church of the Crystals who are on a quest to fulfill their destiny to serve the church and defend the allied nations against the demons that continually invade from the other hemisphere. Gevurah is the prince of an empire that wants to undermine the church and take over the world for themselves, but he has doubts about his father's ambitions and wants to protect Ariana and Kelsus from the imperial troops that hunt them through their journey.

In the beginning, there were four gods who created the world together. They made the world with five regions, each had one to shape and populate as they saw fit, with the fifth region being a common territory where all could gather to live in harmony. However, one race took up te role of leadership and quickly became corrupt tyrants who oppressed the other three races. One race rebelled immediately, another joined the rebellion, and the last race, humans, hesitated out of fear that if the rebellion failed it would make the situation worse. The tyrants were outnumbered, but they were ruthless enough to outpower their enemies and managed to completely wipe out the race that led the rebellion, and were soon to finish off another race. The gods had sworn to remain out of mortal affairs and give them free will, but in light of the genocide they were compelled to intervene. At the divine council, the truth came out that the entire conflict had been masterminded by the god that created the tyrants, no longer content to share the world they had made together, he intended to conquer the whole world for himself. Since the gods were immortal, death was not an option, so the only solution was to neutralize his power by crystallizing him, but the price was that the other gods would get crystallized as well. With their master defeated, the tyrants retreated into exile in their native land while the other two surviving races hid the crystal of the evil god and revered the others. The Church of the Crystals has maintained peace between the two races in their four nations for a thousand years, but twenty-two years short of the millenium, two of the three known crystals shattered. The shards were collected at the shrine of the remaining extant crystal, and it was discovered that when the shards of the crystals were presented by members of the two races of opposite genders, it would summon an avatar of the god of the crystal that appeared to annoint them for some reason that the church speculates is important. The church holds these sacred champions as leaders, but the land that has long been neutral territory has given rise to an empire that believes that the shattered crystals mark the end of the time of the gods and that humans must become independent of such magic. Now the three allied nations are torn between invading demons and usurping heretics and the fate of the world falls on three young heroes caught in the middle.

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