7th Moon

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Flower City Comic Con

Flower City Comic Con was largely a bust for me, but I do not blame the con, they did the best they could with a great venue, many great guests and exhibitors and a decent turnout of con attendees, sometimes business is just slow and that's the way it goes, just bad luck. Or maybe I suck, either way, I don't blame the awesome convention because I'd still like to go back again even though I didn't sell well, because maybe next year I'll have more traction.

My biggest moment was when I got an offer to turn Superfrenemies into a web series, which hopefully will be hilarious when we finally get around to it, and believe that I will be promoting the hell out of it when it does happen. The second coolest thing to happen was meeting actor Erick Avari on the way to the bathroom and realizing I left my phone to recharge at my table so I couldn't get a picture. My third biggest moment was finding a tiny Wartortle figure I had never seen before and adding it to my collection, which makes number three because there really isn't anything else noteworthy that happened, I sat at my table and did the same stuff I aways do with nothing else noteworthy happen because that's what happens when you are an exhibitor in artist alley, you miss everything. Everything, that is, except the cosplayers I will leave you with now.

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